Future of Pharmacy in Digital Era

24th March 2023 by Jayasree Prabhakaran | Healthcare

Digital Pharmacy

As we could see that the internet has spread widely across the globe through advancements in high-speed net services. This conjointly brings major developments in the digital world. Technology has revolutionized healthcare, allowing for better patient care and experiences. With the advent of electronic health records, telemedicine, and remote patient monitoring, digitalization is transforming how we manage our health. Digital pharmacies are one of the newest advances in this trend. It is defined as an internet store that sells prescription drugs and other health supplies to consumers. The impact of digital pharmacy and the benefits that could be reaped from this technology is necessary for consumers to be aware of it.

Digital Pharmacy:

Digital pharmacies, also known as online pharmacies or e-pharmacies, are web-based platforms that sell prescription medications and other health products. They offer a more comfortable way for customers to order prescription medications than the conventional way of purchasing medications and have them delivered to their doorstep. These pharmacies operate through an online platform, where customers can create an account, upload their prescriptions, and have the medication delivered to their homes. Digital pharmacies also offer other services, such as teleconsultations, where customers can consult with a licensed healthcare professional through a digital platform.

Teleconsultation and E-pharmacy startups became more prevalent during the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic. It allows patients to consult with specialized physicians conveniently by sitting at home or other remote locations, avoiding the situation to visit in person at medical facility locations. This largely helped to prevent the spread of communicable diseases like COVID-19. Further, it accelerated the adoption of teleconsultation, as healthcare providers seek to reduce the risk of exposure to the virus for both patients and healthcare workers. Teleconsultation extends its medical services from primary care consultations to mental health services and also includes specialty consultations.

Advantages of pharmacy going online

Convenience: Patients can order their medications from the comfort of their own homes, without having to travel to a physical pharmacy. Thus, online pharmacy is more preferred by customers.

Accessibility: Aid to increase access to healthcare for patients who live in remote or underserved areas, and may not have easy access to a traditional pharmacy.

Time-saving: Delivering pharmacy service via online mode could save time for both patients and healthcare providers. Patients can order their medications quickly and easily, without having to wait in long queues at a traditional pharmacy. Healthcare providers can also save time, as they do not need to spend time filling prescriptions or managing inventory.

Cost-saving: The pharmacy brings new ideas to engage customers in this platform by providing offer lower prices than conventional pharmacies. This help patients save money on their medications.

Improved privacy: Some patients may feel uncomfortable discussing their medications or medical conditions in a public setting. This platform offers improved privacy, as patients can order their medications discreetly from their own homes.

Risks Associated with Digital Pharmacy

Digital pharmacy requires the transfer of sensitive patient information, including medical history and payment details, which could be vulnerable to cyber-attacks and data breaches. Since it relies completely on technology to process and dispense medication, which can be prone to errors such as wrong medication, recommended dosage, or frequency. Online pharmacies may be susceptible to selling counterfeit medication, and may not have proper information about the retailers, which can pose a serious threat to patient safety.

 At times these pharmacies might not comply with the recent safety or other regulatory frameworks, which may result in a lack of oversight and accountability. Since physical examination or consultation is not involved in this platform that may lead to misdiagnosis and inappropriate prescribing. Patients may be at risk of adverse drug interactions if they do not disclose their complete medical history and medication regimen. Patients may misuse medication or share it with others, which can lead to adverse health effects.

All these could be avoided by being cautious when using online pharmacies and ensuring that they are using a legitimate and licensed digital pharmacy. The concerned patient should be in the position to disclose their complete medical history and medication regimen to their healthcare provider. It is necessary to follow proper medication usage instructions. Healthcare providers and regulators should also implement measures to ensure the safety and efficacy of digital pharmacies.

Impact on Healthcare Industry

Digital Pharmacy has improved efficiency in the industry by reducing the time and resources required for dispensing medication. Additionally, they can help reduce the workload of healthcare providers, allowing them to focus on more complex patient care. It generated a large amount of data through collection and analysis, which can be used to improve patient outcomes, support the post-marketization of medicine, and identify shifts in medication use. This has the potential to improve the quality of care and reduce costs.

Digital pharmacies have made a huge drift in the healthcare industry by changing the way healthcare is delivered. These pharmacies can help increase access to healthcare for patients and improve patient outcomes. However, there are also concerns regarding the impact of digital pharmacies on the healthcare industry. One concern is that digital pharmacies may reduce the role of traditional brick-and-mortar pharmacies, leading to job losses. Additionally, there are concerns regarding the quality of medications sold by digital pharmacies, as some of these pharmacies may not be regulated by government agencies.

Regulations and Safety Concerns

Regulations for digital pharmacies vary based on the country or region. In the United States, for example, digital pharmacies are primarily controlled by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and they must comply with certain regulations to operate legally. These regulations include ensuring that medications sold by digital pharmacies are safe and effective and that the pharmacy is licensed to sell prescription medications. Safety concerns are another issue that needs to be addressed by digital pharmacies. There have been reports of counterfeit medications being sold by some digital pharmacies, which can be dangerous to patients. It is important for digital pharmacies to ensure that the medications they sell are safe and effective and that they are sourced from reliable suppliers.

Digital Pharmacy


In conclusion, digital pharmacy is a rapidly growing industry that offers a range of benefits to both patients and healthcare providers. The convenience and accessibility of digital pharmacy services have made it easier for patients to access medications and manage their health from the comfort of their homes. At the same time, the digital pharmacy can help healthcare providers improve patient outcomes, reduce costs, and streamline their operations.

However, there are also challenges associated with digital pharmacy, including concerns about medication safety, privacy and security, and regulatory compliance. It is important for digital pharmacy companies to prioritize patient safety and compliance with regulations, and for healthcare providers to ensure that patients receive appropriate guidance and support when using digital pharmacy services. As technology continues to evolve, digital pharmacy is likely to become an increasingly important part of the healthcare landscape. By addressing the challenges and opportunities associated with digital pharmacy, we can help ensure that patients receive high-quality care and enjoy the benefits of the digital age.

Jayasree Prabhakaran

Research Associate

Jayasree Prabhakaran is research associate at Delvens. Her core responsibilities involve conducting primary and secondary research based on the raw datasets, and other quantitative and qualitative data acquired through data collection, analyzing and interpreting the data to deliver key insights on market trends. She engages with experts, academics, and executives to execute research goals and provide them with the best possible outcomes.

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