A Digital Front Door Strategy

7th April 2023 by Premlal | Healthcare

Digital Front Door

Want to track your customer behaviour?????  Nowadays tracking customer behaviour and engaging them is crucial for every business. Here are some tips for you, before diving into it we must understand what is a Digital Front Door and what are strategies you can use.

What is a Digital Front Door?

A Digital Front Door (DFD) is a term used to describe a set of digital tools and technologies that an organization uses to create a modern, streamlined experience for its customers, employees, partners, and stakeholders. The DFD provides a single point of entry to the organization's various digital services, applications, and resources, making it easier for users to find what they need and accomplish their goals.

The DFD concept typically includes a range of digital channels, such as a website, mobile app, chatbot, social media accounts, and other online platforms. These channels are designed to provide a consistent and personalized user experience across all touchpoints, making it easy for users to access information, complete transactions, and engage with the organization.

What does a Digital Front Door Strategy mean?

A digital front door strategy is a digital approach to engage and connect with customers or users at the initial point of contact with an organization. The digital front door strategy involves creating a seamless and personalized digital experience for users that simplifies their interaction with the organization and helps them achieve their goals.

The strategy involves the use of various digital technologies, including websites, mobile apps, social media, chatbots, and other digital channels to engage with customers or users. It focuses on creating an intuitive and user-friendly interface that provides users with quick access to the information and services they need.

A digital front-door strategy can help organizations to enhance their customer engagement and satisfaction, streamline operations, and improve business outcomes. It can also help organizations to gain a competitive advantage by providing a superior digital experience that meets the needs of today's digitally savvy customers.

To implement a digital front-door strategy, organizations need to have a clear understanding of their customer’s needs and preferences, as well as their business goals. They should identify the digital channels that their customers use the most and invest in building a seamless digital experience across these channels. Organizations should also leverage data analytics to gain insights into user behavior and preferences and use these insights to optimize their digital front-door strategy.

What are the components of a Digital Front Door?

In healthcare, a Digital Front Door (DFD) is a set of digital tools and technologies used to provide patients with a modern, streamlined experience when accessing healthcare services. The components of a DFD in healthcare typically include:

Patient Portal:

A patient portal is a secure online platform that allows patients to access their health records, test results, and other medical information. It also enables patients to communicate with their healthcare providers, schedule appointments, request prescription refills, and pay their bills online. Patient portals provide patients with a convenient way to manage their healthcare, reducing the need for phone calls or in-person visits.


Telehealth is a digital platform that allows patients to have virtual visits with their healthcare providers, using video conferencing or other communication technologies. Telehealth makes it easier for patients to access healthcare services from the comfort of their own homes, reducing the need for in-person visits and improving access to care.


Chatbots are AI-powered digital assistants that can answer patients' questions, provide guidance, and help them navigate the healthcare system. Chatbots can provide patients with 24/7 support, reducing the burden on healthcare providers and improving the patient experience.

Mobile Apps:

Mobile apps are healthcare apps that allow patients to access healthcare services, receive notifications, manage appointments, and track their health status. Mobile apps provide patients with a convenient and accessible way to manage their health, improving patient engagement and outcomes.

Digital Health Records (DHR):

A digital health record is a digital version of a patient's health record, which can be accessed and shared securely between healthcare providers. Digital health records improve care coordination and patient outcomes by providing healthcare providers with a comprehensive view of a patient's medical history, medications, allergies, and other health information.

Online Scheduling:

Online scheduling is a feature that allows patients to schedule appointments, receive appointment reminders, and check in online. Online scheduling reduces wait times and improves the patient experience by eliminating the need for patients to wait on hold or in waiting rooms.

Patient Education:

Patient education is a digital platform that provides patients with educational resources, such as videos, articles, and infographics, to help them better understand their health conditions and treatment options. Patient education improves patient engagement and outcomes by empowering patients to take an active role in their healthcare.

Overall, a Digital Front Door in healthcare provides patients with a comprehensive and user-friendly digital experience, improving patient engagement and outcomes, and driving operational efficiencies for healthcare providers.

Why to implement A Digital Front Strategy

The need for a Digital Front Door (DFD) strategy in healthcare arises from the increasing demand for more patient-centric and convenient healthcare services. Patients today want to be able to access care easily, on their own terms, and through digital channels that fit their lifestyles. A DFD strategy can help healthcare organizations meet these demands by providing patients with a seamless, integrated, and personalized experience.

Advantages for Patients of a Digital Front Door

There are several advantages for patients when healthcare organizations implement a Digital Front Door (DFD) strategy. Here are some of the key benefits that patients can experience:

Improved Access to Healthcare Services:

A DFD strategy can improve access to healthcare services by providing patients with digital tools to book appointments, communicate with providers, and access medical records at any time and from anywhere.


Patients can benefit from the convenience of a DFD strategy by being able to access healthcare services remotely through telehealth platforms or mobile health apps. This can save time and reduce the need for travel, making healthcare more accessible and efficient.


A DFD strategy can be tailored to meet the specific needs of individual patients. By using data analytics, healthcare organizations can gain insights into patient behavior and preferences, and use this information to personalize the patient experience.

Enhanced Patient Engagement:

A DFD strategy can improve patient engagement by providing patients with resources and information to help them manage their health more effectively. This can lead to better health outcomes and higher patient satisfaction.

Better Communication:

A DFD strategy can facilitate better communication between patients and healthcare providers. Patients can easily communicate with their providers through digital channels, such as secure messaging or video conferencing, which can help address questions or concerns quickly.

Cost Savings:

Digital tools such as telehealth can result in cost savings for patients by reducing the need for travel and other expenses associated with in-person visits.

Advantages for Healthcare providers of a Digital Front Door

There are several advantages for healthcare providers when implementing a Digital Front Door (DFD) strategy. Here are some of the key benefits that providers can experience:

Increased Efficiency:

A DFD strategy can increase efficiency by reducing administrative burden and streamlining workflows. Digital tools, such as telehealth platforms and mobile health apps, can help providers manage patient care more efficiently and effectively.

Improved Patient Outcomes: A DFD strategy can improve patient outcomes by providing patients with access to digital tools and resources to help them manage their health more effectively. This can lead to better patient engagement and adherence to treatment plans.

Better Communication:

A DFD strategy can facilitate better communication between providers and patients. Providers can use digital channels, such as secure messaging or video conferencing, to communicate with patients and address questions or concerns quickly.

Data Analytics:

A DFD strategy can provide providers with valuable data analytics that can help them gain insights into patient behavior and preferences. This information can be used to personalize the patient experience and improve patient outcomes.

Increased Patient Volume:

A DFD strategy can help providers reach a larger patient population, including patients who may not have access to traditional in-person care. This can lead to increased patient volume and revenue for healthcare organizations.

Competitive Advantage:

A DFD strategy can provide a competitive advantage for healthcare organizations by meeting the expectations of patients who increasingly expect to be able to access healthcare services through digital channels.

Steps to Implement a Digital Front Door Strategy Successfully

Implementing a Digital Front Door (DFD) strategy in healthcare requires careful planning and execution. Here are some critical steps that healthcare organizations can take to ensure the success of their DFD initiatives:

  1. Conduct a Needs Assessment:

The first step is to assess the needs of the healthcare organization and its patients. This involves identifying the key pain points in the current patient journey and determining the most effective digital solutions to address them. This will help ensure that the DFD strategy is aligned with the organization's goals and objectives.

  1. Develop a Roadmap:

Once the needs assessment is complete, the next step is to develop a roadmap for the DFD strategy. This involves outlining the key milestones, identifying the resources needed, and setting timelines and budgets. It's essential to involve all stakeholders, including providers, patients, IT teams, and other relevant parties, in the planning process.

  1. Choose the Right Technology:

Healthcare organizations must carefully evaluate and select the right technology solutions for their DFD strategy. This includes patient portals, telehealth platforms, mobile health apps, and other digital tools. The technology must be user-friendly, secure, and compliant with all relevant regulations.

  1. Implement the Strategy:

Once the technology has been chosen, the healthcare organization must implement the DFD strategy. This involves integrating the technology into existing workflows, training staff on how to use it, and ensuring that patients are aware of the new services available to them.

  1. Monitor and Evaluate:

After implementation, it's essential to monitor and evaluate the success of the DFD strategy continually. This involves tracking patient engagement, satisfaction, and outcomes, as well as measuring the impact on operational efficiency and cost savings. This will enable healthcare organizations to refine their DFD strategy and make any necessary adjustments.

  1. Ensure Compliance:

Compliance with regulatory requirements, such as HIPAA, is critical when implementing a DFD strategy. Healthcare organizations must ensure that all patient data is secure and protected and that any digital tools used are compliant with relevant regulations.

  1. Train Staff:

Healthcare staff plays a critical role in implementing and promoting the DFD strategy. It's essential to train all staff members on how to use the new technology and communicate the benefits of the DFD to patients.

  1. Monitor Data Analytics:

Data analytics can provide valuable insights into patient behavior and engagement with the DFD. Healthcare organizations should monitor analytics regularly to understand how patients are using digital tools and identify opportunities for improvement.

  1. Incorporate Patient Feedback:

Incorporating patient feedback is critical to the success of a DFD strategy. Healthcare organizations should actively seek feedback from patients on their experience with digital tools and use that feedback to improve the patient journey.

  1. Continuously Improve:

The healthcare industry is constantly evolving, and so too are digital technologies. Healthcare organizations should be open to continuous improvement of their DFD strategy, and regularly evaluate new tools and solutions that may enhance the patient experience.

Digital Front Door

Digital Front Door Might Change Your Healthcare Experience

The concept of a Digital Front Door (DFD) in healthcare is revolutionizing the patient experience. By providing patients with a single point of entry to a range of digital tools and technologies, healthcare providers can improve access to care, reduce wait times, and enhance patient engagement and outcomes.

A DFD can offer patients a more convenient and personalized experience, from online scheduling to telehealth visits, digital health records, and patient education. By adopting a DFD strategy, healthcare providers can create a more modern and efficient healthcare system that meets the needs of patients in today's digital world.

Overall, a Digital Front Door might change your healthcare experience by providing more convenient, accessible, and personalized care. As healthcare providers continue to embrace digital technologies, we can expect to see even more innovations in the years to come, creating a healthcare system that is more patient-centered, efficient, and effective.


Research Associate

Premlal is the Research Associate at Delvens. His core responsibilities are conduct fact-based research and analysis, Evaluate new and established research resources, support key business discussion, clarify complex data into graphs and related panels.

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